
Announcing Baukunst: a collective of creative technologists advancing the art of building.

Kate Preston McAndrew

Co-Founder and GP at Baukunst

April 19, 2022

Today, alongside my partners Tyler Mincey, Matt Thoms, and Axel Bichara, I am proud to announce the launch of Baukunst. Baukunst is a collective of creative technologists advancing the art of building companies at the frontiers of technology and design. We invest in, we build with, and we document the work of the creative technologists of our time.

We invest:

Baukunst makes venture investments in creative technologists at company formation. We are independent minded and invest with conviction. We lead pre-seed rounds, and often invest the full round ourselves.

We build:

You can think of Baukunst like a decentralized studio: where resources, experts, and thoughtful peers come together to focus on achieving our best, most impactful work.

We document:

The early messy magic of product and company creation is unique, and it is our sole focus. We capture and share origin stories as they unfold.

Many investors start with what they invest in, we start with who.

Seeking Creative Technologists: those in pursuit of the art of building.

Creative technologists combine two potent talents: visionary thinking and expertise with powerful tools. They craft transformative product experiences, inspire teams along the way, and build companies we can be proud of.

Interdisciplinary in nature, creative technologists have unique insights into unexplored areas of opportunity. The products and systems they design often defy comfortable categorization and require multi-disciplinary teams to clear technical and regulatory hurdles in the early days of building. While many say, “sounds complicated,” we lean forward and say, “tell us more.”

Creative technologists are our people and we have a long history of being the foundational partners to their success.

We’ve led first investment rounds in creative technologists who are:

  • Building first generation technology products that unlock new business models and transform industries (like Tonal and Pair).
  • Reimagining the modes of production by transforming how we design, manufacture and move objects around the world (Onshape, Desktop Metal, Tempo Automation, Tive).
  • Redesigning outdated systems with sustainability and the center (FYTO, Blue Lake, Denizen).
  • Re-writing cultural norms and advancing the art of company building itself (Bobbie, Eternal).

These themes illustrate what we will focus on investing in at Baukunst. In all examples, we were the first round lead investor, often writing the founding team their first check, or co-founding the company ourselves.

At a time of unprecedented change, creative technologists are the builders we want shaping the future. They build with the long term in mind and use technology as their medium of impact actualization rather than fetishizing tech for tech’s sake.

Meet the Collective

Baukunst is a selective ecosystem of founders, investors, and domain experts coming together to elevate our culture of creation. We specialize in doing new things well and welcome people, products, and companies that don’t easily fit into existing boxes.

General Partners

Baukunst has four equal general partners responsible for investing the collective’s capital: Kate McAndrew, Tyler Mincey, Axel Bichara, and Matt Thoms. We have shipped over 50 first generation technology products (including the first iPhone), co-founded multiple startups, and have been the first check lead investor in over seventy interdisciplinary technology companies.

Domain Experts

We have assembled world renowned experts into the Creative Technologist Council, many of whom are also investors in Baukunst. Each person is a master of their craft, able to define and redefine the bounds of their domain— not simply work within them. You can read more about the council here.

Founders and Early Teams

Founders and early teams in Baukunst are building new products and companies that will grow, scale, and endure.

In celebration, and with gratitude

To commemorate the launch of Baukunst, we are commissioning a unique work of generative art by renowned new media artist, designer, computer programmer, and educator Zach Lieberman. The commissioned work begins today on our homepage, and will evolve and change over ten years to match the investment period of our fund. We’re honored to work with Zach and look forward to collaborating with more artists in the future.

Many thanks to those who make today possible: our families, friends, creative communities, past portfolio companies, investors, and close collaborators. We are honored to be stewards of Baukunst, to promote, to champion, and refine our collective level of craft and discernment—and the dynamic and vibrant ecosystem we foster within Baukunst.